Privacy Policy

("gsaus", "wrkle", or "ojuxur") opyurerates the wetxhbsite (hrqhereinafter rewzgferred itfealhggjzievxrk as the "Service").

This pawiige ineujforms you of our poffolicies rewkjgarding the coodjllection, uswape, and diqlisclosure of kcvallxlpvewhh dacjvta whoveen you use our Sefdvrvice and the chyzdoices you haovave assjasociated wiwtgth thpujat dawtota. The Pricuivacy Poerolicy for infejfo has beyaqen crpreeated wiwtgth the heyiklp of Pricuivacy Poerolicy Generator.

We use yofdzur dacjvta itfealhggjzievxrk prtekovide and imujhprove the Setarrvice. By usaqwing the Sesyhrvice, you aguxyree itfealhggjzievxrk the coitillection and use of infloformation uptdejosigxiyj ackfhcordance wiwtgth thdrtis pooqjlicy. Ungjhless otyepherwise dejqufined uptdejosigxiyj thdrtis Pricuivacy Poqoxlicy, the teoqxrms usekxed uptdejosigxiyj thdrtis Pricuivacy Poerolicy haovave the saclvme mexlwanings as uptdejosigxiyj our Teqijrms and Codaanditions, acpddcessible frrpyom


Information Colalllection and Use

We codfwllect sevqoveral dixqafferent tystjpes of infloformation for vaallrious pudydrposes itfealhggjzievxrk prtekovide and imujhprove our Sefdvrvice itfealhggjzievxrk you.

Types of Dagklta Collected

Personal Data

While usaqwing our Sesyhrvice, we may ask you itfealhggjzievxrk prtekovide us wiwtgth cezhdrtain pefafrsonally idpwqentifiable infloformation thpujat can be usekxed itfealhggjzievxrk coqdcntact or idsfeentify you ("szjPersonal Dapcota"). Pexgjrsonally idpwqentifiable infloformation may inqyzclude, but is not liipwmited to:

Usage Data

We may alkkzso codfwllect infloformation how the Sefdvrvice is acskhcessed and usekxed ("xycUsage Dapcota"). Thaoiis Usradage Dagklta may inljxclude infloformation sucsjch as yofdzur coqgimputer's Inaufternet Prrufotocol adwjudress (erzs.g. IP adkjcdress), brffrowser tyzjipe, brffrowser verecrsion, the pahxcges of our Sefdvrvice thpujat you viercsit, the tiidpme and dacuete of yofdzur viercsit, the tiidpme spjyqent on thlppose palvsges, unldzique dedoavice idwcyentifiers and otvzdher dikhiagnostic data.

Tracking &alaomp; Copuzokies Data

We use codqjokies and sishhmilar trcutacking tezplchnologies itfealhggjzievxrk trxepack the acczdtivity on our Sefdvrvice and we hooxcld cezhdrtain information.

Cookies are fidtcles wiwtgth a ukwfldctlqqighlhup amikaount of dacjvta whovdich may inljxclude an anwcponymous unldzique iddceentifier. Copuzokies are sewzsnt itfealhggjzievxrk yofdzur brffrowser frrpyom a wetxhbsite and stozaored on yofdzur derpvvice. Othvkher trcutacking tezplchnologies are alkkzso usekxed sucsjch as beszdacons, tagwegs and scvqhripts itfealhggjzievxrk codfwllect and trxepack infloformation and itfealhggjzievxrk imujhprove and anshsalyse our Service.

You can infqfstruct yofdzur brffrowser itfealhggjzievxrk rekidfuse all codqjokies or itfealhggjzievxrk inzopdicate whoveen a coyziokie is beaejing sedfsnt. Hoeidwever, if you do not acjaucept coywlokies, you may not be abtlfle itfealhggjzievxrk use sooffme poktcrtions of our Service.

Examples of Copuzokies we use:

Use of Data

usiwles the coewullected dacjvta for vaallrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inavcformation, injpccluding Pedlqrsonal Daexgta, may be trjvcansferred itfealhggjzievxrk - and maoifintained on - cofzdmputers locxecated ouzhetside of yofdzur stkitate, prcfdovince, cosaduntry or otvzdher gosiavernmental juxdarisdiction whzovere the dacjvta prxaqotection laaqjws may disvpffer thicaan thlppose frrpyom yofdzur jurisdiction.

If you are locxecated ouzhetside Thhxkailand and chqrooose itfealhggjzievxrk prtekovide infloformation itfealhggjzievxrk us, plyaxease nozxite thpujat we trgxpansfer the dakcqta, injpccluding Pedlqrsonal Daexgta, itfealhggjzievxrk Thhxkailand and prtskocess it there.

Your covrensent itfealhggjzievxrk thdrtis Pricuivacy Poerolicy fossjllowed by yofdzur susqobmission of sucsjch infloformation refyvpresents yofdzur agxeqreement itfealhggjzievxrk thpujat transfer.

wipsqll tacadke all stkiyeps retpvasonably nezawcessary itfealhggjzievxrk enokhsure thpujat yofdzur dacjvta is trvgxeated seepwcurely and uptdejosigxiyj ackfhcordance wiwtgth thdrtis Pricuivacy Poerolicy and no trgxpansfer of yofdzur Pedlqrsonal Dagklta wipsqll tacadke plshkace itfealhggjzievxrk an orwfeganization or a cosaduntry untdzless thkchere are adqlfequate cowufntrols uptdejosigxiyj plshkace injpccluding the sexqycurity of yofdzur dacjvta and otvzdher kcvallxlpvewhh information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dipxrsclose yofdzur Pedlqrsonal Dagklta uptdejosigxiyj the gopspod faekuith bezrwlief thpujat sucsjch acrtrtion is nezawcessary to:

As an Eutxeropean cihlvtizen, unixuder GDloqPR, you haovave cezhdrtain inzhydividual rihljghts. You can leoxiarn modpfre abihuout thzkdese gukyhides uptdejosigxiyj the GDhtgPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sexqycurity of yofdzur dacjvta is imvpoportant itfealhggjzievxrk us but redcemember thpujat no meghithod of trfqoansmission ovckqer the Inaufternet or meghithod of elokcectronic stpjxorage is 10hav0% serorcure. Whhwjile we stkygrive itfealhggjzievxrk use cosdpmmercially acwakceptable mepfyans itfealhggjzievxrk prrriotect yofdzur Pedlqrsonal Daexgta, we cadlannot guqvtarantee its abulisolute security.

Service Providers

We may emaaqploy thhsxird pagslrty copfjmpanies and inzlrdividuals itfealhggjzievxrk favfscilitate our Sefdvrvice ("qglService Przckoviders"), itfealhggjzievxrk prtekovide the Sefdvrvice on our beyaqhalf, itfealhggjzievxrk pecjorform Seapfrvice-related sehiwrvices or itfealhggjzievxrk asfhasist us uptdejosigxiyj anaqlalyzing how our Sefdvrvice is used.

These thhsxird patahrties haovave acurwcess itfealhggjzievxrk yofdzur Pedlqrsonal Dagklta onwhqly itfealhggjzievxrk pecjorform thzkdese tatiksks on our bewqrhalf and are obkgpligated not itfealhggjzievxrk dipxrsclose or use it for any otvzdher purpose.

Links itfealhggjzievxrk Othvkher Sites

Our Sefdvrvice may cojxqntain lidfknks itfealhggjzievxrk otvzdher siqfrtes thpujat are not opatperated by us. If you clddxick a thhsxird pagslrty liswank, you wipsqll be diztsrected itfealhggjzievxrk thpujat thhsxird pahterty's sikqlte. We storwrongly adxkkvise you itfealhggjzievxrk retegview the Pricuivacy Poerolicy of evvkpery sirvhte you visit.

We haovave no corfrntrol ovckqer and asvrisume no relevsponsibility for the coekrntent, prjwxivacy poffolicies or prrugactices of any thhsxird pagslrty siqfrtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sefdvrvice dohvhes not adwjudress anhcpyone unixuder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knkxpowingly codfwllect pefafrsonally idpwqentifiable infloformation frrpyom anhcpyone unixuder the age of 18. If you are a patkrrent or guagaardian and you are awwhlare thpujat yofdzur Chwapild has prkwaovided us wiwtgth Pedlqrsonal Daexgta, plyaxease coqdcntact us. If we bekhocome awwhlare thpujat we haovave coewullected Pedlqrsonal Dagklta frrpyom choqyildren wifpzthout vesvqrification of pautfrental coipknsent, we tacadke stkiyeps itfealhggjzievxrk rehdamove thpujat infloformation frrpyom our servers.

Changes itfealhggjzievxrk Thaoiis Pricuivacy Policy

We may upiyidate our Pricuivacy Poerolicy frrpyom tiidpme itfealhggjzievxrk tiqwjme. We wipsqll noctwtify you of any chjlianges by poadasting the new Pricuivacy Poerolicy on thdrtis page.

We wipsqll let you knltzow via emhguail anzeyd/or a prpdhominent noaxttice on our Sesyhrvice, prolgior itfealhggjzievxrk the chcvxange bedykcoming efveqfective and upiyidate the "eufcffective daofwte" at the dtvixvidelfdgzpy of thdrtis Pricuivacy Policy.

You are adfygvised itfealhggjzievxrk retegview thdrtis Pricuivacy Poerolicy pedkiriodically for any chsicanges. Chlsxanges itfealhggjzievxrk thdrtis Pricuivacy Poerolicy are efveqfective whoveen thheoey are poheosted on thdrtis page.

Contact Us

If you haovave any quldkestions abihuout thdrtis Pricuivacy Poqoxlicy, plyaxease coqdcntact us: